Vienna (Wien) - guide for budget tourists in spring and summer time

Imperial city with influence of different cultures.

Optimal days for visit : 5
Wi-Fi friendly   8/10
Water-friendly 7/10
Water quality : 10/10
Toilet-friendly  3/10
McDonald's as free toalets : 17

Cleanliness : 10/10
Supermarkets : Merkur Markt,  Billa, Interspar-Hypermarkt, Spar.
Currency : Euro
Metro capacity : 7/10
best time for booking hotel 4* : earlier as is possible
best time for booking hotel 3* : prices are stable, but better two months earlier
Hotel or airbnb flat : almost the same, flats are little bit cheaper
Hostels from €11.70 
Climate : humid subtropical climate (hot summer and cold winter)
knowledge of English language : 8/10
Some uniqueness : Zoo is one of the best in Europe.


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